Its because I'am here to create characters for games or icon mascots, my clients can come from all over but its probabily from games and animation companies. Communication is most likely to do done digitally through e-mail contacts.
To understand my marketing environment, I will use the
PEST analysis. For my self run buisness/company for character designing, Technology is what i would be most concerened of.
politics I would have issues of Copyright licenses and recycling paper waste. I will need to learn about self employment and taxing issues. Its good to start in the UK Leeds because Im more familiar with the laws and trading. In
economics not alot is to be thought about since im working from home environments. If i'm selling my character designs to a client overseas then the costs needs to be calculated. I have to become familiar with the exchange rates with the british pound currency. With
society in the UK there are many ethics and nationalities. But Im lucky that starting here is most benificial because English is the main language needed for buisness communications. But since im also Chinese I can speak both cantonese and mandarin which is one of the most common languages in the world. In this country there are many people with different interests so its a good place to start my work.
Techonolgy is very important and crucial to my buisness, within designing i must keep up to date with the software and using good graphic tablets and computers. The internet is also needed for contacting or recieving commitions and requests from the clients. Being online is fast for communication with the high tech society today as it is forever improving.
Defining my target customers :
SegmentaitonDemographics: Around 16-34 and mainly students or those who like and work with animation and games. Could be for any culture or nationality.
Geographic Factors: Im working from home so transport costs is not much problem but i will have to send products through post. My work is travelled through the internet so the location, climates and city environments is not where i will be competing for buisness.
Psychology: For those who are animators, designers and gamers. Otaku (anime lovers). Students, for those who like cute things.
Behaviour: Its for those who are regular internet users. My work and information will be on the web. My designs will provide by customers a idea and reference for their work. It can be used for their own buisness. For those who buy my illustrations, it can be for self interests, inspiration, display and decorations.